Copy documents to email

Copy documents to email

In this tutorial we show how to use the Copy Documents function in BMIQuery. Specifically, you’ll learn how to… Attach multiple files to your email from BMIQuery Requirements: BMIQuery version 3.x or newer Microsoft Outlook 2007 or newer
Handling password-protected PDFs

Handling password-protected PDFs

Password-protected PDFs are blocked from being saved into BMI using the Outlook plugin BMI Email Save. One method of saving that PDF into BMI is using the PrintToBMI program. In this tutorial we will show… What happens when you try to use BMI Email Save on a password-protected PDF How to use PrintToBMI to save the PDF into BMI Requirements: BMI Imaging Suite Version 3.x PrintToBMI A PDF reader software (i.e. – Adobe Acrobat)
Intro to EmailSave

Intro to EmailSave

In this tutorial we show how to use BMI Email Save. Specifically, you’ll learn how to… Save an attachment from Outlook to BMI. Save an email conversation from Outlook to BMI. Requirements: BMI Imaging Suite Version 3.x BMI Email Save Microsoft Outlook 2007 or newer
Update Terms of Service / Privacy Policy

Update Terms of Service / Privacy Policy

The CDC LoanApp Administrator can setup a list of documents for the Borrower to upload as part of their application. Step-by-step guide Follow these steps to customize the Terms of Service and/or Privacy Policy. NOTE – You must have an administrator account to do this. Login to your LoanApp website (i.e. – If the Administration page is not displayed, click on ADMIN at the top of your screen. Click CHANGE APPLICATION SETTINGS To change the TERMS OF SERVICE: Scroll to the Terms of Service Section Check the box to SHOW TERMS OF SERVICE Add your Terms of Service to the … Continued