Open Document(s)

Open up the document or documents that you would like to move pages from and the documents you would like to move pages to. Go to the document where you’d like to move pages from, and click the “Move Pages” button from the hamburger menu (located in the top left corner).

Make Your Selection

A new menu will appear. From this menu you can either select the page you are currently looking at or a range of pages from the document you are currently looking at. Select either current page or enter a range of pages, then click the save selection button. If you make an incorrect selection, you can click the red “X” button to reset, and from there you can make a new selection of pages.

Move Pages

Once you have made your selection, go to the document you’d like to move your selected pages to (this can be the same document you are moving pages from). Then go to the specific page you’d like to insert the documents, and from the “Move Pages” menu select either the “BEFORE” or “AFTER” to insert the pages either before or after the page you are currently looking at.

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