Follow the steps below to install, setup, and run BMI’s new OneClick. BMIOneClick allows you to seamlessly integrate between BMI and Ventures. Add it for free today!

Instructions to Install:

1. Open Chrome and click on this link.

2. Click “ADD TO CHROME”.


3. Allow the extension to be added by clicking “Add extension”.

4. Look for the new button to appear in the top right corner of Chrome.

Instructions to Setup and Run:

1. Open Ventures and browse to a loan.

2. The BMI button will appear in color in the top right corner of your screen. Click on it.


3. A pop-up will appear asking for your base url, such as the one pictured. If you are unsure of your url please contact BMI Support.

4. Save.


5. Click the BMI button again and BMIWeb should launch.

6. Contact support if you have any trouble installing, setting up, or running.

7. Enjoy our latest Ventures + integration!

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