This tool is used to update the master list and templates.

“Add Item” launches a window to add another item to the list.

In this window you are able to specify the Document_Order, Document_Description, and Document_Category. When finished click “Add” to add the item to the master list.

If you would like to edit an existing item, click the edit button located on the same line as that item. This will launch the edit window.

In the Edit window you are able to Edit the Document_Order, Document_Description, and Document_Category. When finished click “Save” to save the changes.

If you would like to Delete an existing item, click the Delete button located on the same line as that item. This will launch the Delete confirmation window.

If you are sure that you would like to Delete the Item, click “yes” to confirm the deletion or “no” if you would like to go back to the master list.

Any actions pertaining to templates are made on the Right side of the screen.

If you select a template in the list then all of the items that are in that template will be highlighted in blue. This view allows for a quick view of which items are in the template.

To edit an existing template, click “Edit Template”. This will launch options for editing.

At this point you can change the name of the template, mark it as “Hidden”, Add additional items to the checklist (by clicking on the line item to the left of the screen), or Delete a template. When you are finished editing, click “Save Template”. If you wish to navigate away without saving any changes, click “Cancel Edit”.

To create a new template, click “Add Template”

When creating a new template, one must first name it. After clicking “Add” you will see it appear in the list of templates (to the right of the screen). If you wish to add items to the template, select the template then click “Edit Template”.

Click “Edit Template”. This will launch options for editing.

At this point you can change the name of the template, mark it as “Hidden”, Add additional items to the checklist (by clicking on the line item to the left of the screen), or Delete a template. When you are finished editing, click “Save Template”. If you wish to navigate away without saving any changes, click “Cancel Edit”.

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